General XGain co-creation workshop on connectivity and technology development in rural areas

We would like to invite you to a co-creation workshop of the XGain project.
This European project aims to support connectivity and technological development in rural areas. The development of 5G, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Edge and Cloud computing, among others, offers enormous potential for new applications. In rural areas, however, we have to consider constraints such as available connectivity, electricity, accessibility and, of course, budget and sustainability.
The XGain project will therefore develop a tool that provides advice on which connectivity technology and other IT infrastructure is most suitable for a given application in a given region, taking into account social, economic and sustainability aspects.
In addition, case studies will be developed across Europe that test technologies in rural areas. In Flanders, we want to focus on closing the digital gap between intensive and extensive livestock farming. As part of the project, ILVO will develop a camera and sensor setup to automatically collect data on the behaviour of cattle during grazing in meadows or nature reserves.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together stakeholders with different backgrounds and reflect on how this knowledge tool can add value. We would like to structurally identify the needs and expectations of potential end-users to which you belong. In addition, during this workshop we would like to identify the main limiting factors for technological innovations in rural areas.
The workshop will take place on April 18 2023 from 9h-16h45 at the ILVO campus (Burgmeester van Gansberghelaan 115, 9820 Merelbeke, Room A+B).
Please register for this workshop via the link below by April 9th 2023:
9h: Registration & coffee
9h20: Introduction XGain project, ILVO use case & knowledge tool
10h30: Introduction
10h45: XGain Quiz (Introduction exercise)
11h: Break
11h15: World Café (Discussions in smaller groups around 3 themes)
12h45: Lunch
13h30: Discussion results of world café
14h15: ADOPT workshop (Identification of innovation barriers)
15h30: Break
16h00: Discussion of ADOPT results
16h45: Wrap-up